Archive for March, 2007

An Ideological Crusade (or, a gross waste of my tax dollars)

So, the Provincial Government is planning to implement a tobacco free campus initiative, and certain members of campus are just too overjoyed at this. I currently sit on the committee which looks at Policy 15, which will be drastically revised to ban all sales of tobacco and tobacco related products from campus grounds. (Do I [...]


As I gaze longingly back at years of yore, reflecting on my precious half-decade involved at UBC, I can’t help but notice the absolute depths to which campus community have plummeted. Seriously. Where are all the beer gardens? I used to love beer gardens. Not because I’d get smashed, but because it was where the [...]

Return of the Political?

Stephanie Ryan Photography So I’ve been facebook-stalking the newly elected blood to AMS Council, and I think in general we have a good group. And with good I mean politically charged and fairly capable. Aside from Amy Boultbee and Kate Power, the bunch seem fit to enter the AMS arena and add some interesting discussions [...]

AUS Election Results

Who won the AUS elections? PresidentStephanie Ryan (Incumbent) VP InternalVicki LindströmVP ExternalTyler AllisonVP FinanceMichelle YuenAcademic CoordinatorStash Bylicki Social CoordinatorJeremy McElroy.Student ServicesMichael Serebriakov PromotionsAshley Pritchard AMS Reps (7)Jessica HannonNathan CromptonAmy BoultbeeSam HeppellJoel Koczwarski(Kate Power????Andrew Forshner???) SenatorErin Rennie General OfficerChris Chapman Mike Jerowsky Katherine McGill Sarah Howe Tom Lamb

The Knowledge Gap

I don’t want to draw attention away from the post below. Read it, too. But that’s why I’ve hidden this one behind a jump. But don’t let that stop you from reading this one, either. Read it all! Just remember there’s two new posts tonight. We’re busy.Don’t worry, this isn’t a post about the Ubyssey. [...]

New Tidbits from Senate

The UBC Vancouver Senate met and here are some updates: 1. We just established five new Chairs in the UBC Institute of Mental Health, three of which were donated by the Sauder Family through a $10 Million endowment fund, matched by the provincial government: The Sauder Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, SC in Geriatric [...]

UBC on CBC radio! (X2)

I’m always on the lookout for UBC-related news in the mainstream media. And today, since I had the scholastically inauspicious displeasure of being sick as a dog at home, I had lots of time to mope around the house listening to CBC radio and doing not much else. To my happiness, two pretty interesting stories [...]

AUS Presidental Slap-Fest

I don’t like writing about elections. But it’s kinda our bread and butter, and people seem to enjoy it. Hmm. To begin, my colleague has taken the AUS to task for its elections administration. In short, I differ in her assessment, to a point. The voting has been highly visible, well-planned and well-executed; I suspect [...]

I take issues with the AUS Elections

Hey if you’re in arts, you can vote in the AUS elections right now. Vote until the 30th. The polling booths are supposed to be on either entrance of the SUB and somewhere in Buchanan, 10-5pm. Also, since the people running the elections did not specify how many people you can vote for in some [...]


Athletics has decided not to close the Aquatic Centre gym! They apologized for the process, and agreed to find other ways to deal with the (minor) issues raised like liability, class space, and old machines. This is a victory that happened because the AMS and students at large worked together. The AMS reps couldn’t have [...]

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