Yesterday the Deans of Sauder, Arts, and Pharmacy faced off in an informal debate during the noon hour at the Norm theatre. All three deans launched with gusto into the topic of debate: “whose degree is better?”. Dean of Arts Nancy Gallini seamed to triumph decisively in the tongue-in-cheek verbal sparring, while Dean of Sauder, [...]
You may have noticed that the AMS website has been overhauled. To match with the new setting-sun logo, is now a blue-and-white marvel of slick website design, courtesy of Calgary company White Matter. Good navigation, executive blogs, event notices, and recent news are featured, and nifty pictures and graphics artfully punctuate the pages. Too [...]
Alison Bodine, the Financial Co-ordinator of the riven AMS resource group, the Social Justice Centre, landed in jail this week after trying to caim belongings that had been confiscated from her on re-entering Canada from her native U.S. No charges have been laid, and a hearing that was sceduled for today was cancelled. RCMP has [...]
Monday saw the first-ever gathering of three of UBC’s preeminent bloggers. In an unprecedented move, the three pen-wielding heavyweights met for sweet-potato frites and girly beer at a depressingly swish, undisclosed Main St. location. In two and a half hours of talks, Eom professed the “new worldliness” of her pinot, and Louman-Gardiner brought up his [...]
At last Wednesday’s AMS council meeting (the last one of the summer), the embattled external motion regarding the Musqueam native band finally came to its demise. This policy, which has been tabled repeatedly in past meetings, has gone through a few iterations and adjustments. AMS president Jeff Friedrich took on the task of rewriting it. [...]
Student loan administrators have turned into activists! This article from this morning’s Globe and Mail. More need-based student aid urgedUniversal programs outpacing funding for those who need help, says a study by financial aid administratorsELIZABETH CHURCHFrom Monday’s Globe and MailAugust 27, 2007 at 4:37 AM EDT An increasing proportion of financial aid for postsecondary education [...]
First, read this article. Short version: How University administrators co-opt their student representatives. An interesting reflection on a position into which almost all student “representatives” are placed. Then, read its follow-up: It’s about the importance of Presidential leadership when it comes to the student experience at a University. Then go back to enjoying the long [...]
by student BoG rep Darren Peets About a month ago, UBC was informed of a new provincial policy on the sale of food and drinks from vending machines. In essence, this policy expands the junk food restrictions already in place in schools to all hospitals, universities, colleges, Crown Agencies, provincial government buildings, and so on. [...]
It looks like the President’s Service Award for Excellence is getting a facelift, or at the very least formalizing informal guidelines which were practiced for several years. Currently, the PSAE is open to both faculty and staff, the recipients (up to five per year) receive a gold medal and a monetary award of $5000. Having [...]
On May 16, the Senate approved to extend the 2010 reading break from 5 days to 10 days, adding another week of jolly freedom to the schedule of an otherwise overworked undergraduate student. This, as you rightly predict, is a response to the VanOC which approached Academic Policy chair Paul Harrison with this proposal quite [...]
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