
This category contains 266 posts

Insiders Predicts Turnout Down 42%

Note: Within an hour of this post, the elections committee broke the model! Good job, EC! (more t-tests, next time, I promise) I did a really simple logarithmic fit to the data the elections committee has been releasing. I’m going to go ahead and predict turnout this year will be 3781. Only 58% of last [...]

Council Poll!

Haven’t voted yet? Why not? It’s taken our monkeys a while, but they’ve finally counted the ballots and ranked the pairs. Who Council chose, as of Wednesday, January 20th. Note: Proxies were counted as council members. This is simply a sample for entertainment purposes–I haven’t bothered with confidence intervals or any of that fun stuff. [...]

The Presidential Debate Video

Voting is now open. Cast your ballot now! Insiders would like to offer a huge thanks to our partner, the Ubyssey, the moderator, Geoff Costeloe, the hosts, the UBC Centre for Student Involvement, and our supporters, AMS Elections. We saw an attendance of over 70 live in the house in this first-ever event. Note: the [...]

A Round-by-Round Breakdown of the UBC Insiders/Ubyssey Presidential Debate

Before the debate begun, Natalie had managed to rack up a bunch of endorsements from media outlets. Yet Bijan has had the larger facebook group, the smoother campaign, and hadn’t been attacked for his perceived weaknesses on tuition\UBC relations. Would there be clash? Would one candidate stick out? The esteemed Alex Lougheed and I were [...]

The Presidential Debate Live Feed

Watch the Ubyssey‘s live video coverage of our co-presented, independent Presidential debate! Watch now!

Photos! January 20 Debate

Rabi Sun, the man behind the much-beloved Portraits of UBC project, and the Just Shoot Me blog was kind enough to help out UBC Insiders with some debate photography last week. This is a huge step up for us, as it means not only are the pictures in focus (something we struggle with), they are [...]

Debate: Jan 25 Prez, VPAc, VPX

The following is a guest post by Bowinn Ma, EUS President 2007-2008; AMS Councilor 2006-2008; Former Hack, less so now. We also took photos so don’t quit before the end of this post! ********************* Couldn’t attend the debate? The Ubyssey held a liveblog, as did The UBC Spectator. ********************* Presidential Race Natalie Swift Bijan Ahmadian [...]

UBC Insiders Endorses: AMS Elections 2010

Please note that this post was a collaborative effort by all editors. President 1 Natalie Swift 2 Bijan Ahmadian 3 Sean Kim 4 Pak Ho Leung Do we want Haack to be the next hack? What about the wide-open race for Senate? The full list of endorsements after the jump. Effectively, this is a race [...]

Referenda: CPI Indexing and Engagement Levy

These are the last two referenda that need to be covered for this year’s elections. They’ll be covered together because they are relatively straightforward so there is not a whole lot to say. Indexing AMS Fees to CPI By not having their fees indexed, the AMS is losing money year over year as the value [...]

Race Profile: AMS President

. UBC Insiders Analysis Click here to skip to profiles of the candidates in this race. The President is the visionary and leader of the AMS. In the most fundamental sense, the job of the AMS President is to ensure the organization is fulfilling its mandate. This mandate is a set of eleven objectives which [...]

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