Timmy Wong

Timmy Wong has written 4 posts for UBC Insiders

Race: VP Finance

The vice president finance is responsible for managing the AMS’ money, from preparing an annual budget and financial statements, to working with AMS staff, organizations, businesses, and services to monitor their spending. The vp finance also chairs the Finance Commission, ensuring AMS clubs and constituencies submit annual financial reports, sits on the board of directors [...]

Race: VP Academic

The vice president academic acts as a liaison between the student body and University administration and organizations concerning education, campus planning, and other issues relevant to the constituencies represented by the Student Council. This includes issues such as student housing, the Campus Planning process, student health and well-being, discrimination, quality of academic curriculum, and much [...]

Race: VP Administration

The Vice President Administration is responsible for the workings of the Student Union Building, from ensuring the New SUB project is on track to managing the use, maintenance, and conditions of the current building, and is responsible for ensuring SUB businesses comply with the Society’s Ethical Purchasing Policy. The Vice President Administration represents the Society [...]

Race: VP External

The nature of the external office is innately political, but never partisan, advocating on behalf of the student body as a whole.

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