Gina Eom

Gina Eom has written 67 posts for UBC Insiders

Letter to the Editor, re: VFM

This was sent to us as an anonymous letter to the editor, and we would like to run it as continued discourse on the VFM: How to Drink the VFM’s Milkshakename withheld upon request The VFM contest would have very easy to hack this year. The main problem with VFM is that it is extremely [...]

Issue of the day: Student Senate Caucus, efficacy of.

I admit that I cannot comment on the senate proceedings this past year, as I am now living on another continent. However, if history is an indicator of the present and future, I will allow myself to write a short excerpt on student senator’s and their caucus’ effectiveness. The Continuity HarpThe majority of the Senate’s [...]

Recognizing the Staff on Campus

It looks like the President’s Service Award for Excellence is getting a facelift, or at the very least formalizing informal guidelines which were practiced for several years. Currently, the PSAE is open to both faculty and staff, the recipients (up to five per year) receive a gold medal and a monetary award of $5000. Having [...]

Reading Break 2010

On May 16, the Senate approved to extend the 2010 reading break from 5 days to 10 days, adding another week of jolly freedom to the schedule of an otherwise overworked undergraduate student. This, as you rightly predict, is a response to the VanOC which approached Academic Policy chair Paul Harrison with this proposal quite [...]

Stephen Owen appointed VP External and Community Relations of UBC

So, I’m still in a little bit of an awe at this, hopefully some of you sages can provide insight and calm my nerves. Stephen Owen’s website confirms that “Stephen Owen, Member of Parliament for Vancouver Quadra, announced today that he will be resigning his seat effective July 27, 2007 to join the University of [...]

Public Consultation

Most research-intensive universities have a technology transfer office which handles licensing agreements between a university’s research product and the private sector. This includes small biomolecules with therapeutic promise, and encompasses many more technologies with potential for health improvement or disease treatment. The University Industry Liaison Office at UBC has been meeting with a group of [...]

Context – The University Golf Course

Noticed UBC in the national news lately? It’s probably because of the University Golf Course. So what exactly is happening? How about an explanation – in timeline form.1990: Developer David Ho leases the University Golf Course, on University Boulevard, from the provincial government. The land has what’s called a “restrictive covenant” attached to it, which [...]

Grad School

Sigh.. since I’m graduating and looking at 10 more years of school (I wish I was kidding) here are a few links for your amusement: On being a graduate student (Simpson Style) Take 2

UBC Student falls off roof top, now in serious condition

This is taken from the RCMP website. Whoever the person in serious condition is, we wish them a speedy recovery.UBC student falls off roof top, now in serious condition at VHG Vancouver, UBC: Charges are pending against another student. On April 12th, 2007 at approximately 02:20 pm, RCMP members of the University of British-Columbia Detachment [...]

Boycott Mahony&Sons

oops, I think the image is by Greg Stegeman

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