Alex Lougheed

Alex Lougheed has written 61 posts for UBC Insiders

Point: AMS Council Should Have Non-Voting Equity Seats

greyfade {color:#e8e8e8} Today we offer you a point/counterpoint on an upcoming resolution before AMS Council. We offered Tim Chu, present AMS VP External, to argue for and Matthew Naylor, past AMS VP External and current Arts Councillor, to argue against the resolution: “AMS Council should have non-voting equity seats”. This is Tim’s response, for Matt’s, [...]

City Steps Back from UBC Annexation Plan

The following is a guest post by John Tompkins, editor and publisher of the Wesbrook Journal, former editor of the Hampton Journal, and resident of UBC. If you would like to submit a guest post, contact us. Lack of local interest is cited; new thrust is to provide UBC more services The City of Vancouver [...]

Breaking: UBC Insiders Issues First Notice to CASA, AMS to Violate Contract?

Upon receiving our tweet regarding the motion to leave CASA this evening, CASA has sent a letter, with supporting documentation, to various UBC media regarding the constitutionality of such a motion. CASA claims the AMS has two unmet obligations: that 30 days notice be given to CASA prior to leaving, and that one full membership-year be [...]

Costeloe, First-Ever Student Vice-Chair of Vancouver Senate

Just confirmed with the Senate Secretariat that Mr. Geoff Costeloe, of Terry fame, was elected to the position of Vice-Chair of the Vancouver Senate this Wednesday. This is the first time a student has been elected to the position since its creation in 1916. No one formally asked for the tally, but I’m told it [...]

Planning the Unplannable

The following is a guest post written by Dr. Darren Peets, former student Board of Governors representative and campus planning aficionado. We invited Darren to offer a critical retrospective on campus planning procedures, and to offer a solution. Dr. Peets is currently working as a post-doc in Japan. I was invited to write a short [...]

Province Expands Board Powers, Creates Oligarchy?

The Province tabled a bill yesterday to expand the powers of the Board of Governors, in response to asks from the University Neighbourhoods Association and the Board. It represents a stark change in the authority of the Board, giving it municipal powers such as the ability to regulate, prohibit and fine those in contravention. The bill, [...]

No More Hospice Behind Marine Drive

Just got a mail from the planning department: St. John Hospice will not be built behind Marine Drive! There is much to rejoice here, as it points to something in the planning cycle working. Here’s the letter that made my morning. Alex: This email is a follow-up to your feedback received concerning the Development Permit [...]

Three Questions for the President

Before Imagine day, I managed to sit down with Presidents Toope and Frederick to ask them three questions: 1. How will the Class of 2013′s UBC experience differ from the Class of 2010′s? 2. What is the value of an incoming undergraduate to the University? 3. Why did the entering class decide to come to [...]

Summer News Recap

Happy First Week all. Here’s what happened while you were out. On Campus The Student Board of Governors representatives turned over. Tim Blair bids farewell, as Michael Duncan takes his place. Bijan Ahmadian and Alexandra Caldwell (UBC-O) were re-elected for their respective second terms. The University approved a plan to in-fill Totem residence. This was met with surprise [...]

St. John Hospice

Last September, in partnership with the Vancouver Hospice Society, the Order of St. John and Vancouver Coastal Health, the Board of Governors passed a partial Board 1 to build a hospice. The building will only cost UBC marginal maintenance costs, the management will be undertaken by VCH, and the building is forfeited to UBC in at [...]

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