
This category contains 322 posts

CUS Board to Vote on $500 Building Fee Referendum

Update 5:34pm: Today’s CUS meeting has been moved to Angus 296 from Angus 310. Normally we try not to post snippets, but we feel this one is important enough. At tonight’s CUS Board of Directors meeting (6:00pm, Henry Angus 310 296) there will be a vote to have the CUS go to a student referendum [...]

CP&D Open Houses Galore

This is a little last minute, but if you want to be heard about the future of housing on campus, as well as the future of the heart of campus (the University Boulevard area, as well as McInnis Field and the current bus loop), there are two open houses forthcoming. All you need to do [...]

Toope Reconsiders Sullivan for VP Students

UBC’s longest serving Vice-President has been asked to continue to serve at his post as Vice-President, Students, pending the completion of a review process. Brian Sullivan, who came to UBC from his former post as Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs) at the University of Guelph in 1999, was appointed by then-President Martha Piper. Upon the arrival [...]

AMS Council: January 20, 2010

Hey! We’re back to no one taking interest in the AMS. Highlights: 1. Tuition Increase proposals from UBC 2. Student Housing demand report released 3. Council makes donation to Haiti relief efforts; doesn’t make donation to Haiti relief efforts Catch up on five hours in five minutes, by passing the jump. AMS Foundation Meeting The [...]

No YVR Add Fare for U-Pass Holders

The Translink Commission released a decision on how to implement the YVR Add Fare a couple of hours ago. Translink had originally applied to the Commission to introduce a $2.50 levy, to be collected each time a passenger were transporting between the Bridgeport and Templeton stations. The Commission, citing the “awkwardness” of the two-way fare, [...]

AMS Council: January 6, 2010

New year, renewed enthusiasm. Highlights: January is Sexual Assault Awareness Month Cheap rooms at Whistler Lodge during the Olympics 6 referenda for sure, with possibly more on the way Student Financial Assistance & Awards Presentation; Tuition Proposal and Consultation schedule There was a miscommunication and this presentation was cancelled. Will be occurring at the next [...]

Impeachment Petitions Being Circulated, Plus Riders

A copy of the petition currently being circulated made it’s way into my hands. There are six questions being asked: 1. The removal of Blake Frederick 2. The removal of Tim Chu 3. Creation of a $5.00 “Engagement Levy” 4. A code change to implement slates 5. Indexing all non-indexed AMS fees to CPI 6. [...]

AMS Council Preview: Jan 6, 2009

Now that VFM is back up and running, and there is a renewed interest in the AMS, this is a great time to engage with your student society! The first council meeting of this term will take place this Wednesday, at 6 pm in SUB 206. Everyone is welcome to attend, and dinner is provided. [...]

Province Announces Review of Society Act

For the first major time since 1977, the Province will be conducting a review of the Society Act. The Society Act is the legislation which the AMS exists under. There are similar acts in BC law which deal with other forms of incorporated bodies, such as businesses and cooperatives. Societies are incorporated not-for-profit bodies. From [...]

VFM Mania

Mark Latham, who initiated and personally financed the first two Voter Funded Media (VFM) contests at UBC in 2007 and 2008, is back, cementing his place as the patron saint of UBC independent media. Yesterday he unveiled a second VFM contest to be run around the same time as the AMS elections time, with an [...]

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