
This category contains 42 posts

Engineering Physics and its women

You’ve heard the stereotypes, and dismissed them as unfair, wrong, and outdated: engineers are chauvinistic egoists with iron rings on their pinkies; they’re an old-boys club and Mensa wrapped up into one; they look down upon women. I dismiss these stereotypes also. I know plenty of engineers that are charming, decent, gentle, open individuals. But [...]

The UBC Farm’s example: how UBC should catch up to its vision.

Juxtapose what pops to mind when you think of:1. UBC administration’s main prerogatives.2. UBC’s only broad, encompassing mission statement, trek 2010. For me, it goes something like this for the former, “Martha Piper-endowment-development-endowment-ivory tower-endowment-elite research-endowment-ivy league-endowment”and something like this for the latter: “complete community-global citizenship-sustainability-global citizenship-community outreach-global citizenship-public responsibility-global citizenship-innovation-global citizenship. Now why is this? [...]

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