Maria Jogova

Maria Jogova has written 58 posts for UBC Insiders

In other election news…the BC-STV vote

Bruce Krayenhoff outlines benefits to students of voting in favour of the STV.Why is the BC-STV Referendum So Important for Students? First of all, research strongly suggests that more representative voting systems do result in better government, so students like everyone else will benefit from better, more stable and more accountable government if BC-STV is [...]

Presidential Platforms: Alex Monegro

After a bit of a delay, Alex Monegro’s platform is up and running, and actually looks quite good. The platform outlines some interesting and important points. Below is some analysis of his plans for next year.The first thing I like about Alex’s platform is his approach to issues that are of importance to students- things [...]


I get to campus today, and what’s the first thing I notice? Ubiquitous chalk graffiti covering the sidewalks, walls of buildings. I can’t seem to escape the bright colours telling me to vote for iRod. It’s like being stuck in some sort of psychedelic dream, only one that’s not going quite as planned because instead [...]

Interviews: Paul Korczyk.

The interviews continue! This one is chock full of hockey commentary, which I quite enjoyed, and give props to.1.) If you had to choose one thing from your platform that you would work on, which would it be and why?When players talk to eachother on the ice, everything breaks down, and you won’t be winning [...]

Words from the wise man of past: Darren Peets

Many of you know him as the Firehydrant, some of you may know him as Darren Peets, but regardless of how you may refer to him, you probably all know him to be someone who knows a heck of a lot about the BoG. Below is an article he wrote for the Insiders about the [...]

BREAKING: Bijan’s response

This just came into my facebook inbox after I tried to contact Bijan to hear his side of the story.In recent days, I have come under attack based on a partial recording of a meeting of Friends of the Farm at which I spoke. Through this response, I hope to clarify both the context and [...]

BREAKING: Oh, Bijan, why must you disappoint?

It seems like a long-term participant in student politics has decided that selling his integrity is perhaps more important than actually doing what he was elected to do- namely, to represent students’ interests on campus. This strikes me to be particularly unfortunate because Bijan is in position to be re-elected onto the BoG. Unfortunately, it [...]

More interviews: David Nogas, Tim Chu & Sonia Purewal

More candidates for various positions have gotten back to me with their interview responses. For your reading pleasure, here they are!David Nogas 1.) If you had to choose one thing from your platform that you would work on, which would it be and why? First year education reform. There’s a lot of things that can [...]

BREAKING: Jeremy Wood Back In

Jeremy Wood has decided to withdraw his withdrawal from the VP Academic race, and is now once again running for office. Here is the statement he released to member of his election facebook group: “Hey everyone. As many of you have probably heard by now I today announced my withdrawal from the VP Academic race. [...]

Election Debates Fail to Impress

I must admit that I spent a large part of the debates wondering why I was there, and then another part of them wondering “If I were Fire, what puns could I make about these debates?”. Things like “none of the candidates seemed to have spark”, or “candidates preferred flame wars over debates”, or “debates [...]

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