Alex Lougheed

Alex Lougheed has written 61 posts for UBC Insiders

No YVR Add Fare for U-Pass Holders

The Translink Commission released a decision on how to implement the YVR Add Fare a couple of hours ago. Translink had originally applied to the Commission to introduce a $2.50 levy, to be collected each time a passenger were transporting between the Bridgeport and Templeton stations. The Commission, citing the “awkwardness” of the two-way fare, [...]

Impeachment Petitions Being Circulated, Plus Riders

A copy of the petition currently being circulated made it’s way into my hands. There are six questions being asked: 1. The removal of Blake Frederick 2. The removal of Tim Chu 3. Creation of a $5.00 “Engagement Levy” 4. A code change to implement slates 5. Indexing all non-indexed AMS fees to CPI 6. [...]

Province Announces Review of Society Act

For the first major time since 1977, the Province will be conducting a review of the Society Act. The Society Act is the legislation which the AMS exists under. There are similar acts in BC law which deal with other forms of incorporated bodies, such as businesses and cooperatives. Societies are incorporated not-for-profit bodies. From [...]

Davis' Opinion, Meeting Agenda Changes

Council just released the follow up legal opinion from Davis LLP, clarifying what is and is not allowed regarding the impeachment of student executives. Agenda changes as a result: Removal of impeachment motion. Inclusion of motions to censure. Opportunity for Blake and Tim to take floor. Discussion of other executives who signed off on contacts [...]

Campus Profile: Continued Service or Impeachment?

Some numbers regarding public commentary on the issue of impeachment versus continued service. I’ve left out anonymous people/groups. Impeachment Continued Service Please Grow Up No Comment / Neutral Facebook Groups 1369* 464* Student Groups AUS, SUS, EUS, Ubyssey Editors, Campus Conservatives Resource Groups FairVote Friends of the Farm, V-DAY Regular Commentators Yonson, Lougheed, Naylor**, Costeloe**, [...]

Blake, Tim Attend BC NDP Convention, Miss Out on Impeachment Hearing

Seen in the photo below from L to R are Andrew Fergusson, Marion Pollock, Natalie Bocking, Tim Chu and Blake Frederick. The photo was taken at a social event at the BC NDP Convention that took place from Friday Nov 27 to Sunday Nov 29. While we cannot confirm the exact time and date this [...]

SFU Beats AMS to UN by Five Years

We therefore call upon the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to investigate the widespread violation and disregard for international law in Canada, and further to employ all and every means available to pressure the governments of Canada and its provinces into compliance with the Covenant. This was written in 2005. You [...]

Blake, Tim to Skip Own Recall Hearing

Update: Tonight’s Emergency Council Meeting has been moved to Hebb Theater to accommodate the anticipated levels of student interest. The start time is still 5pm. A letter to Council written by Tim and Blake was released earlier today regarding the special council meeting tonight at 5pm. In the letter, they state they will not be [...]

AMS to Complain to UN Regarding AvEd Access

The AMS, along with former VP Administration Tristan Markle, is complaing about the BC and Canadian governments to the United Nations. They claim: both levels of government have failed to: – control tuition fees, – provide sufficient financial support to students in need, and – provide adequate funding to the post secondary sector Councillors we [...]

Counterpoint: AMS Council Should Not Have Non-Voting Equity Seats

greyfade {color:#e8e8e8} Today we offer you a point/counterpoint on an upcoming resolution before AMS Council. We offered Tim Chu, present AMS VP External, to argue for and Matthew Naylor, past AMS VP External and current Arts Councillor, to argue against the resolution: “AMS Council should have non-voting equity seats”. This is Matt’s response, for Tim’s, [...]

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