Alex Lougheed

Alex Lougheed has written 61 posts for UBC Insiders

Race Profile: Senate

. UBC Insiders Analysis Click here to skip to profiles of the candidates in this race. Note: Alex was a student 2008-2009 senator. The Senate represents one of the places where students can influence the most change over the lives of every student. The highest governing academic body on campus, the Senate drafts the academic [...]

An Unprecedented Fee through “Access UBC”

I’ve been on campus for five years now. I probably know more about how the University and Student Society interact more than anyone else on campus. I also have my ear low to the ground, and can hear rumblings before they become issues. This is why I was dumbfounded when I learned that we would [...]

Race Profile: VP External

. UBC Insiders Analysis Click here to skip to profiles of the candidates in this race. The Vice-President External, otherwise known as the “just what are they doing” VP, is the person who, if doing a good job, isn’t around on campus much. Responsible for advocating to the provincial and federal governments as well as [...]

Debate: Senatorial Quarrel

The problem with having an election for five spots is you end up with a race of twelve candidates (last year aside). Fortunately for us, only seven candidates showed up today to answer some questions from the moderator, Forestry Senator and All Around Good Guy Mr. Angus Cheung, and from the audience. More on their [...]

Race Profile: VP Academic and University Affairs

UBC Insiders Analysis Click here to skip to profiles of the candidates in this race. Note: Alex was the 2008/2009 AMS VP Academic and University Affairs. The VP University affairs is the largest and most detail-oriented position on the executive. Best described as the executive that handles “everything else”, the VP A/UA is the single [...]

Race Profile: VP Finance

UBC Insiders Analysis Click here to skip to profiles of the candidates in this race. The VP Finance has traditionally been one of the most difficult jobs to be effective at in the executive committee. Tasked with crafting a budget to spend millions of dollars in three months, there’s little the VP Finance can do [...]

Referendum: Student Court

Edit, Jan 21 2:30am: Much like the House and Senate reconciliate on health care reform, we misinterpreted how the original two questions were to be merged. The Chief Justice will still be required to be a third year law student if this referendum passes. Thanks for the comments, all. Keeps us on our toes. On [...]

Two New Student Court Bylaw Questions

The newly formed AMS Legislative Procedures committee has ruled, and the chair of Council has upheld an interpretation of a March 2009 motion of AMS council to add two questions to the referendum ballot. They interpreted the following resolution of council, brought forward by former Law councillor Clare Benton: “That on the recommendation of the [...]

EA Clarifies Endorsement Ruling

From the Elections Administrator last Sunday: I have decided to allow club/group etc members to attach their title to their name when they endorse candidates, PROVIDED that they state that their opinion is their own and does not reflect upon the group they are a part of. (this is, of course, if the group decides [...]

2010 Elections All Candidates Meeting

.smtable th { background-color: #d0d0d0; padding: 5px; } table.smtable { border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; border-spacing: 2px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-size: smaller; } .smtable td { background-color: #efefef; padding: 5px; } .footnote { font-size: smaller; } Much of this post is since outdated. Visit our elections page for up-to-date information. Live from the all-candidates meeting. [...]

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