
GSS Needs a Sober Second Thought

It is with great sadness that we report the GSS has stopped the service of free beer at their council meetings. This motion was passed this evening:

WHEREAS provision of drink tickets will facilitate further socializing of Council members at Koerner’s Pub, encourage shorter meetings, and encourage Councillor attendance until the completion of Council meeting agendas;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT alcohol is no longer served during Council meetings;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT at the end of each meeting, members and guests will receive two drink tickets, each redeemable in exchange for any single drink at Koerner’s Pub during the remainder of the evening of that Council meeting.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the President should bring the issue back to Council within 3 months.

This is supposed to be in place for only three months, but whether or not it will be reconsidered at that time remains unclear.

Free beer was possibly the only thing that made GSS meetings tolerable. That, and Dave Tompkins, who is also now gone. Ye both shall be missed.


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  1. There was a very impassioned speech for keeping the beer at the meetings by one councilor whose name escapes me. Probably one of the best/most entertaining rants I’ve yet to hear at a GSS meeting.

    Posted by Glen | December 14, 2009, 2:52 pm
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