
We’re a host of volunteers, trying to make UBC a better place. We’re more than happy to contribute the time towards this goal, but meetings, website, and travel costs can add up. A little change can go a long way. For example:

  • $5 will pay for our hosting for a month.
  • $10 will pay for our domain name for a year.
  • $30 will pay for an interview-lunch with an administrator at Sage Bistro.
  • $100 will help us retain and train more volunteers through their stomachs.
  • $350 will allow us to visit UBC-O, to try to spread the VFM gospel.

We’re trying to take VFM to a more sustainable future. Monetization is needed for that to happen. Please consider taking out an ad, or donating below. We’re unfortunately not a registered charity yet, so these donations are not tax rebate-able.


Insiders has a proud tradition of reaching the most influential students, administrators and community leaders on campus. We’re the largest overall winner of the UBC Voter-Funded Media competitions, making us the most popular campus independent media. We reach about 1400 unique hits a week, with the average reader staying for 3 minutes.


Check out our sweet ad packages and opportunities.

  • Front Page 200px by 200px banner: $10/day
  • Front Page 200px width video: $20/day
  • Whole-site sidebar 200px by 50px: $20/day

Please place all orders with Alex. Like all things in life, these rates are subject to change without notice.


Link to Paypal/Google Checkout here. All donations above $5 will be added to the donation wall, as a token of appreciation.

Donation Wall

Currently empty!

Please vote for us in the Continuous VoterMedia Contest