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Deputy Vice-Chancellor Doug Owram up for re-appointment

Posted By Neal Yonson On August 20, 2010 @ 4:47 pm In Asides | Comments Disabled

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Doug Owram up for re-appointment

Although this is a UBC-O thing, as evidenced by the committee membership, I just wanted an excuse to test drive the new site (thanks Alex!) with our new “asides” feature, a place where we can slot more mundane, quick items. Doug Owram, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal UBC-Okanagan, is up for re-appointment. Of note, the re-appointment is only for one year, unlike the more standard 5-year term that Toope recently received [1].

Doug Owram (left) with Charles Fipke, geologist and donor, Brad Bennett, former UBC Board Chair, and Stephen Toope. Source [3]

To: All UBC Students, Faculty, and Staff

The term of Deputy Vice Chancellor, Doug Owram comes to an end on June 30, 2011. The President has determined that he is willing to consider Professor Owram’s reappointment. Dr. Owram has agreed to serve one additional year should he be reappointed, that is until June 30, 2012. In accordance with Policy #24, “Reappointment of Vice Presidents,” the President has appointed an advisory committee to assist him. The Committee is comprised of the following:

Stephen Toope – Chair

Ben Glassco – Board of Governors

Barry McCullough – Board of Governors

Cynthia Mathieson – Okanagan Senate

Tyseer Aboulnasr – Okanagan Senate

Ed Taylor – Associate Dean, Health and Social Development

Lyle Mueller – Aboriginal Programs and Services

Patricia Stevens – Secretary

The Committee’s task will be to solicit the opinions of others on the effectiveness of the incumbent. To that end it “will meet with each of the administrators who report to the Vice President, with each of the other Vice Presidents, with other administrators whom the President deems in a position to provide meaningful advice and, where appropriate, with individuals outside the University with whom the Vice President interacts in the course of his/her work.” (Policy #24). Given the short duration of the proposed reappointment, the committee will adopt an expedited process.

Following the deliberations of the Committee, the President will make a recommendation to the Board of Governors concerning either reappointment or the initiation of a new search.

Please contact Patricia Stevens, Office of the President at 604-822-0663 or patricia.stevens@ubc.ca if you would like to make a written submission to the Reappointment Committee. Such submissions must be received by September 15, 2010.

Stephen J. Toope,
President and Vice-Chancellor

Article printed from UBC Insiders: http://ubcinsiders.ca

URL to article: http://ubcinsiders.ca/2010/08/deputy-vice-chancellor-owram-up-for-re-appointment/

URLs in this post:

[1] recently received: http://www.publicaffairs.ubc.ca/2010/04/13/reappointment-of-professor-stephen-j-toope/

[2] Image: http://ubcinsiders.ca/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/fipke-centre-opening.jpg

[3] Source: http://web.ubc.ca/okanagan/publicaffairs/mediareleases/2008/mr-08-069.html

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